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  3. Results of the XI Russian National Assembly of the Young Scientists Council

Results of the XI Russian National Assembly of the Young Scientists Council

29 июня 2023

Roman Rybakov Took Part in the XI Russian National Assembly of the Young Scientists Council

The Russian National Assembly of the Young Scientists Council and Russian Student Scientific Associations was held from 21 to 24 June 2023.

This remarkable event for the young scientist hosted over 1100 participants, including representatives of the Young Scientists Council and Russian Student Scientific Associations, members of the Youth Coordination Council in Science and Education, awardees of the Presidential Awards in science and innovations for young scientists, as well as participants of the meeting with the President of the Russian Federation at the Congress of Young Scientists, prizewinners of the Leaders of Russia (Science track), and other young scientists who receive state support, including volunteers into science and representatives of other youth associations.

Роман Рыбаков на XI Всероссийском съезде советов молодых ученых.jpg

Young representatives of Russian science came from all 89 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including Donetsk People’s, Luhansk People’s Republic, Zaporozhe and Kherson Oblasts. It was also the first time that participants from other countries came to the events: Belarus, Armenia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan.

Participants presented their best practices in implementing key initiatives and projects within the Decade of Science and Technology. Results of the three-day work of delegates of the Assembly will be put into use to ensure continuous development and distribution of the best practices in Russian constituent entities.

The Assembly agenda was dedicated to the role young scientific associations play in the Decade of Science and Technology, existing ways to support young scientists, and their prospects. Key events were:

  • Panel discussion on Results of the Meeting with the President at the Congress of Young Scientists;

  • Plenary session on the Scientist of Today;

  • Session on Designing the III Congress of Young Scientists.
Панельная дискуссия на Всероссийском съезде советов молодых ученых.jpg

On 23 June, the panel discussion on What Young Scientists Should Work On: Russian Scientific Equipment: Prospects and Challenges, was held in Nizhniy Novgorod, in association with the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Experts discussed how young scientists, engineers, inventors, and young specialists working in the industry sector may influence the scientific infrastructure and its development.

Roman Rybakov, President of Advanced Growing Systems, LLC, was among those experts.

Roman shared his view on the potential in development of the technological market in terms of creating innovative products through facilitation of new industries.

At the Assembly, participants presented their projects to cover such issues as:

  • Engaging talented youth to the research and development sphere;

  • Developing cooperation between young scientists to find solutions in science, business, and the region;

  • Promoting achievements of the Russian science and its prospects among Russian citizens;

  • Developing the scientific potential;

  • Developing volunteering in science.

The venue hosted representatives of all leading scientific and educational institutions, who established new connections, discussed prospects of cooperation and implementation of joint initiatives.

Роман Рыбаков на Всероссийском съезде советов молодых ученых.jpg