Like all interesting projects, the idea to organize a Young City Farmer's Circle came from people who were visitors to our booth.
In June 2017, our company first participated in the exhibition dedicated to the Day of the city of Novosibirsk as an exhibitor. On that busy day, we noted for ourselves that hydroponics is of interest not only to older and avid gardeners of the older generation, but also to children! The guys asked questions and with burning eyes looked at salads that grow without soil.
The hydroponic method aroused sincere interest in the younger generation.
At that time, we also had two interested high school students in our assistants. In search of experience and knowledge in the field of hydroponic cultivation, they themselves turned to our company to undergo practical training and gain experience.
It became obvious that the younger generation is interested, and it is important to maintain it. And by that time we began to realize that for the development of city farming in the country, in addition to supplying hydroponic equipment to the Russian market, it is also important to train specialists by teaching them the promising profession of a city farmer.
It turned out so well that at one of the many exhibitions, we met with the school principal, who wanted to equip a salad farm for students. A biolaboratory where children would receive knowledge about progressive crop production not only in theory, but would also be able to put them into practice by growing a salad from seed to finished products!
We responded with pleasure! In a short time, an experimental biolaboratory was designed in an empty school building. Initially, the office was intended for school dentistry.
Installation of hydroponic racks of our production CityFermer
We faced a number of difficulties, such as the inevitable power surges due to the power supply of the building from the hydroelectric power station. Having solved the arisen tasks, we can assure that the designed farm is as electric as possible!
Two types of our hydroponic systems are installed in the school’s Biolaboratory — the City Farmer rack type and the GrowPillar column type on a mobile rack. For germination, a CityFermer Seedling rack is provided, which also serves as the operator’s workstation and is used as a table for serving GrowPillar towers.
Column and rack type hydroponic systems installed in the Biolaboratory
The farm is controlled by two OverGrower automation devices.
By entrusting the measurement and adjustment of OverGrower parameters, teachers may not be distracted by the constant maintenance of a hydroponic installation. In addition, the intelligent solution tank control system minimizes plant waste, which can significantly reduce fertilizer and water consumption!
OverGrower cultivation automation device saved teachers from the hassle of hydroponic systems maintenance