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The Sun, the Sea, the Mountains, OverGrower, Success!

21 марта 2017

Sunny Sochi met the OverGrower project at the sites of the Russian Investment Forum Sochi-2017.

We are glad to welcome you and inform about new achievements of OverGrower, a remote automated hydroponic plant control system.

On February 27-28, 2017, Modern Systems of Cultivation took an active part in the Russian Investment Forum Sochi-2017.

Offered by our company OverGrower aroused great interest among representatives of the relevant Ministries of the regions, who chose entrepreneurship in the field of agro-industrial technologies as one of the focuses of the development.

The following features of OverGrower were noted:

1. 100%-solution of monitoring tasks and parameters’ control, both on nutrient solution and on microclimate.
2. Dramatic reduction, by 16 times, of labor costs for the maintenance of hydroponic installation.

The fact that the solutions existing on the market do not cover even 40% of the possibilities of the OverGrover was also marked.

Company Modern Systems of Cultivation and the device Over the Grower on grounds the REEF-2017, Sochi

The black sea and the Creator of the device OverGrower

Rose Peak is a mountain range in the Krasnodar region