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Acknowledgment from the Second Novosibirsk Gymnasium

17 мая 2017

По результатам сотрудничества по направлению Сити-Фермерство в школах получена Благодарность от Второй Новосибирской Гимназии

Acknowledgment from the Second Novosibirsk Gymnasium was received based on the results of cooperation in the field of City-Farming in schools. Irina Michno, Director of the Second Novosibirsk Gymnasium, presented in a festive atmosphere a Letter of Acknowledgment to Roman Rybakov, Director of the “Modern Cultivation Systems” company. The Letter of Acknowledgment was presented on May 17, 2017, for the assistance rendered in expertise, organization and holding of the 2nd Regional JuniorSkills Championship for the Novosibirsk Region Governor's Cup, and a great contribution to the development of school engineering education.

The conduct and expertise of the championship JuniorSkills track city farming

Received appreciation from the Second Novosibirsk grammar School for hosting the championship JuniorSkills