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  3. LED phytolamps LuxaVita®.
  4. Светодиодная фитолампа LuxaVita One 120. Купить фитосветильник для выращивания растений

Светодиодная фитолампа LuxaVita One 120. Купить фитосветильник для выращивания растений

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Reliable and durable cold LED phytolamp with 100% liquid convection cooling!

Professional lighting for plant cultivation.

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Магазин EcoPonics.ru

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Description phytolamp's LuxaVita One 120

The LuxaVita One linear phytolamp features a universal full spectrum, making it suitable for growing any type of plant in laboratories, urban farms, and greenhouses.
It is specially designed to serve as the primary and sole light source for vertical hydroponic systems of both shelving and column types!

Each lamp boasts a record-breaking lifespan of over 10 years, thanks to the unique liquid convection cooling technology—heat is dissipated from the entire surface of each LED and LED strip!

The LuxaVita One LED phytolamp is supplied in sets starting from 3 units.
It comes equipped with a shared power supply capable of powering multiple phytolamps simultaneously.

Specifications phytolamp's LuxaVita One 120
Module dimensions:
- Length - 1200mm
- Diameter - 25mm
- Weight - 600g

Technical specifications:
- Power - 50W
- Voltage - 46-54V
- Protection rating - IP69-K
- Lifespan - 10 years

LEDs used:
- Samsung 3000k
- Lumileds 660nm
- Lumileds 730nm
- Number of LEDs - 102pcs

Typical applications:
- Grow boxes
- Shelving hydroponic systems
- Greenhouses
- Aquaponics
- Aquaculture
- Scientific research
Capabilities of LuxaVita technology.
For any of your even most ambitious projects, custom manufacturing of LuxaVita lamps is available upon request!

Customization options for the lamp:
- Length
- Power
- Light spectrum